India is observing a rapid surge in its elderly populace. As of Census 2011, there are approximately 104 million individuals aged 60 years or above in the nation, comprising 8.6% of the total population. This figure is anticipated to escalate to 173 million by 2026.
Have you ever observed that certain individuals seem to talk more slowly as they age? As it happens, there may be more to this discovery than merely aging. A recent study by researchers at the University of Toronto and the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care suggests that a person's speech rate may be an indicator of dementia risk.
Our susceptibility to neurological conditions such as dementia, stroke, and Parkinson's disease rises with age. Seniors in Delhi who suffer from these kinds of ailments may find that neuro physiotherapy is a vital source of rehabilitation assistance.
Taking care of a loved one who has Alzheimer's disease may be a very rewarding and difficult experience. This guide offers insight into the care of individuals with Alzheimer's disease, stressing the value of individualized attention, compassion, and practical approaches that address their specific need.
While a nutritious diet is vital for all people, seniors with diabetes require it even more. Our nutritional needs vary as we get older. Controlling blood sugar levels and avoiding complications provide unique difficulties for seniors living with diabetes.
As individuals age, their bodies experience multiple transformations, resulting in a heightened susceptibility to various health issues. Aging increases the likelihood of developing certain medical conditions and chronic ailments. By recognizing the most common health concerns among seniors, individuals and their loved ones can proactively take steps to prevent potential problems.